Welcome to Reclify

Playlist power in your hands.

FAQs and Notes

What is Reclify?
Elevate your music discovery with Reclify – a simple yet powerful music recommendation platform. Customize your recommendations and create personalized playlists to match your mood and preferences. Playlist power in your hands.
Anything to know about?
Reclify currently requires permission from the developer to allow Spotify authentication, and hence access to the app. Please contact us if you're interested in testing the app. For more information on our technology stack and upcoming updates, please refer to the repository linked at the top of this page.
Why use Reclify instead of just Spotify?
While Spotify is known for its outstanding recommendation features, its rather simple usability may limit the full potential of its algorithm. Reclify, on the other hand, offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that leverages Spotify's audio features, such as valence, liveness, and acousticness, to provide users with personalized recommendations. Whether you're in the mood for acoustic songs similar to John Mayer's or looking for a Giveon mood with less heartbreak stories, you got it. With Reclify, the power to customize your music experience is in your hands.
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